
    "Throughout my life, I have always had a passion for art. Starting at a young age, my childhood creativity led my parents to enroll me in art classes early. Although I followed my other passions of science and nursing throughout college, it did not stop me from taking painting and ceramics classes throughout undergrad.  

    "A recovery room  RN by day, my evenings expressing my vibrant art are much more exciting!

    "After completing school, moving to Erie made art irresistible. A community with such beauty makes it hard to put the brush down!  From the obvious beauty of Presque Isle,  to the delightful fusion of the families and friends joining together at all the community music-fest; decisions of which to choose next can be tough. My paintings are mostly inspired by Erie county including Port Farm’s flower festival, LEAF’s Frontier Park, Eight Great Tuesdays, and endless sunsets from the peninsula. I capture the festivities in a whimsical and vibrant way, which is fitting for this amusing and lively community!"

    -Sarah Mclean

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